Tuesday, May 18, 2010

8 months

I am a little behind on my posts. Ryker turned 8 months this month. He has changes so much! I know I say this all the time but I love just sitting and watching him. I love watching him discover how things work and how he learns things on his own. Here are some things he enjoys and some milestones:
Weight 20 pounds, Blows Raspberries, Sucks on his bottom lip, Can go from sitting to crawling position, Can hold himself in crawling position (can't figure out how to move yet), Scoots on his bum, Still loves to be naked and does a little bum wiggle every time we take his diaper off, Likes to eat his socks, Plays catch with his beach ball, He is a mama's boy, Says ma ma ma (I don't think he knows what it means yet) is in 18 month clothes, can clap his hands, loves to play with the drawers at the end of our bed, gives good hugs, is starting to wave bye bye.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What a prefect day! A day to celebrate mothers. This was my first real mother's day and I have to say I wouldn't be who I am or the mother I am if it hadn't been for my mother. My mother is an amazing woman and I hope that I can be as good of a mother as she is. She has done so much for our family. She has done so much for me. She takes care of me when I am sick, she held me when I was heartbroken, she cried with me when I was heartbroken, she listened to my stories, she never tried to change who I am but excepted me for me, she helped me get ready on my wedding day, she shared her stories with me, she is the peace maker of our family, she is my best friend. I love my mom so much she is a wonderful woman and a great example!