Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Can you believe Beckett and Sophie are 1! We made it through the first year. In some ways it seems like we have had them forever in other ways it seems like I was just visiting them every day in the hospital. It has been an interesting year...

Beckett can now stand on his own and will have thighs of steal for all the squats he does. He loves the bath and has fallen in twice fully clothed now trying to get in. He loves to splash in the water. I love his 2 teeth grin. Beckett is my early bird and normally wakes up before the rest of the kids. I think it is because he likes to have one on one mommy time. I have a feeling Beckett will be our dare devil, he shows little fear towards things and doesn't cry very much when he gets hurt. He says dada and will sometimes mimic other things we say. He loves to wave bye bye and hello. He will also copy you if you sick your tongue out and wiggly it. He loves his Grandma Gadd and will follow her until she picks him up.
Weight: 20lbs 15oz (21%)
Length: 30 in (55%)
Head: 47.2 cm (74%)
 Sophie is still my princess peanut. Sophie loves Ryker and Ryker loves to make Sophie laugh. It is one of most favorite things to hear him make the twins laugh. Sophie loves to follow her brothers around, I love watching them make a crawling trail and follow each other around. Sophie loves big people food; she hated baby food, but will eat almost any real food. She is catching up to her brother in eating. (I may have to get a job just to feed these kids) Sophie is defiantly a princess and a bit dramatic (no idea where she gets that from). If her brothers are bugging her or taking her toys she lets us know. She is my Darth Vader breather; she likes to breathe through her teeth when she gets up in the morning. Sophie is my hip rider; you can normally find me with her on my hip. 
Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (11%)
Length: 29.5 in (62%)
Head: 47 cm (92%)
For their birthday we had cake and ice cream at a park. It was pretty hot but we still had fun. We had a lot of friends and family show up. It was great to see how many people love my babies too. Beckett dove right into his cake while Sophie took dainty bites for a while, then she dove in too. They got a lot of great gifts and it was really fun.

 Bentley kept trying to eat the left over cake from their trays

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


We had a great trip to California. We started the trip with a long drive down to San Diego; the kids did a great job. They got a little wiggly towards the end but they did much better than expected.

We stopped in St. George to grab a bite to eat and run around for a few minutes. Grandma and Grandpa met up with us at Wendy's.

Saturday we headed down to the beach. Beckett loved to eat the sand. He ate it by the fists full. Sophie wasn't too sure about it/ she was tired. Ryker liked playing in the sand and running form the waves that is until he fell down. We couldn't stay down at the beach for too long because the kids got tired but it was fun.
Running from the water
Throwing a tantrum 

Daddy and Beckett checking out the waves
Grandpa and Beckett
Sophie playing with the sand toys

Eating sand :)
On Sunday we relaxed then went to see the seals but they weren't on the beach anymore.

Monday we went to Sea World. It was really fun; Ryker liked watching the animal shows. They changed their shows so it was fun to see them this year. The weather was great, a little hot. The kids did great. However towards the end of the day Beckett had a reaction to the sunscreen and wasn't very happy about it. We left before the fireworks. Later that night I realized Beckett still felt hot, we took his temp and it was 101.9 poor guy. I figured he had another ear infection (he had one a week before we left). Needless to say he was not a happy camper the next few days.
Ryker with the sea turtles
Waiting for the Dolphin Show

Waiting for lunch

There was a polar bear growl right before I took the picture that scared the boys hahaha
Ryker and Kyler
Beckett and Sophie
Me and Brad

Waiting for the 4D show

Tuesday we hung out at the condo. Brad and I went to lunch at one of my favorite places, Panera Bread. Then we went swimming in the pool. Wednesday we went down to the beach again. Brad went down to the pier to fish with Karl. Sophie still wasn't a fan of the beach but the boys had fun.

Thursday we packed up and head to Anaheim. We went to Disneyland! It was so much fun and the kids had a lot fun. Karl ran ahead and got fast passes for us which was nice. We would take turns watching kids then switch and get a child swap pass. Ryker seemed to have a good time. He was bummed a couple times that he didn't get to ride some of the rides. People kept asking us if the babies were twins, would say yes and then they would oo and ah. In one line Becket kept waving at people. After a while they would just wave at people as we walked through the crowds. I think they thought they were famous, it was pretty cute. By the end of the day we were pooped. 
Waiting in line

Friday we started out at California Adventure. We rode a few rides then went to the Disney Junior Live show. It was so much fun! They had the kids sit on the floor and puppets would come on stage. It had Mickey, Little Einsteins, Jake, and Handy Manny. Ryker knew all the songs and sang along and danced. I think that was my favorite part of the trip. We rode a few more rides and my parents offered to take the kids back to the hotel for naps. Jessica, Karl, Brad and I had fun riding a couple rides without kids. Jess and Karl   went to help bring the kids back so Brad and I got to walk around. We went on a few rides and went to Bug's Life 4D show. At one point during the show bugs come out in the audience and "crawl around", Brad screamed when one got him, it was pretty funny. That night we watch the World of Color show it was really neat. After a long day of riding rides and standing in line we were exhausted. 

Showing his muscles

Running around the splash pad, one of his favorite things

Saturday we packed up and headed to Vegas. When we got there we went shopping at the outlets. Brad was pretty happy he got some new shoes and some shirts. My parents offered to watch a couple kids so Brad and I could go to dinner. I wanted to take him to a nicer buffet. It was pretty tasty, they had crab legs, so Brad and I got to eat all the crab legs we wanted. Sophie came with us; she loved her cheese crisp and my chocolate cake. I gave her some cotton candy, she didn't like the texture but by the time she tried to get it out her mouth it was gone.

Sunday we packed up and headed home. We had a really fun time and I am glad we went. The kids did awesome and I can't wait for a few more years to go by so we can go again.