Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had a great Halloween this year! The Halloween train ride, parade at school, party at our house and some Trick-or-Treating. There is nothing better then walking around in a costume in front of a bunch of parents. Luckily I had a cute little monster to distract the parents from starring at me. Ryker came and walked around the school parade with me.

For our party we had some friends come over. We ate some yummy food then danced our hearts out. It was so funny watching the boys dance. After we danced for a little bit we had a Halloween scavenger hunt. The girls of coarse went all out, the boys however decided just to look everything up on the internet.

On Saturday we went down to my parents and went Trick-or-Treating. All in all it was a great Halloween!

Wizard, Witch, Monster, and Headless Horseman
Real grave, real graveyard
Biggest Pumpkin
Kim was a trouper and let us make her a mummy