Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happenings at Our House

Oh Ryker what a funny child. He didn't want his picture taken today. I love this kid! He is so fun to watch. He is growing and learning so much everyday. He still isn't talking much but has his own way of letting us know what he wants. He understands most everything we tell him.
You can't tell by this picture but he loves to play with his dad. Brad had stuff to do the other day so he wasn't around much. When Ryker and I told Brad bye, Ryker started to cry cause he didn't want to leave his dad. He watches what his dad does and tries to do it too. Brad is in charge of giving Ryker his bath and getting him ready for bed. I love to watch them during this time, they have so much fun.
As for me, I am now 20 weeks along. Besides the pounding head aches and not being able to stay asleep at night, I have been feeling pretty good. We found out that one baby is a boy but the other decided it didn't want to let us know. We find out in a couple days hopefully what the other one is at the 20 week ultra sound. Twins is still sinking in, I don't think we will ever be fully ready for them.
Anytime I get the Swiffer out to clean the floor Ryker gets his broom out and follows right behind me.
Again he seems sad because I was backing up to take his picture and he wanted to see.
Everyday after school he has to have a snack, normally it is dried cereal. On this day I put his cereal on the table. He sat there for a few minutes then went and got a salad serving spoon and started using that to eat with.

1 comment:

  1. Ryker is getting so big. He looks like a very mellow kid. I hope your other baby decides to cooperate at the ultrasound!! And I hope your headache goes away soon.
