Tuesday, June 28, 2011

32 Weeks Skinny

Well I have made it 32 weeks with twins! Go me :) I am feeling pretty good except for some aches and pains. I haven't really "craved" anything, I do love Sonic Limeades, Chick-fi-la lemonade, white peaches and Smart Cookies. (Yes I do weigh the same as a whale :)) I went to the doctor today everything looks great. Both babies are healthy and active. Only bummer is Ernest is breech, which at this point means he probably won't move, which means c- section :(. I will keep praying that he changes positions. I also had a measurement ultra sound, Ernest weighs around 4lbs 10 oz and Thelma is around 4lbs 7 oz. Thelma decided she didn't want her brother to get his picture taken and put her bum in the way of the picture (yes she was sitting on his head). Since Ernest couldn't get his picture taken she didn't want hers taken and turned her back to the camera. These kids are already working against me. After the ultra sound I had to do a "non stress test" (It was a long day of doctors and hospitals today). They hook you up to some monitors to check the babies heart beats. Well Thelma decided she didn't care to much for the monitor and punched it until it was no longer on her. Then she decided to help Ernest by kicking his off. Can you tell which one is the boss? Anyway I am happy they are healthy and going strong. I get to go to the doctor and do the non stress tests once a week from here on out. I hope things continue to go well. Both my doctor and the ultra sound doctor think I'll go around 36 weeks and they will weigh around 7 lbs. We will see :)

1 comment:

  1. You look great!!! I had that stress test also, it makes for a long day. Glad the twins are healthy and happy, though. Having a c-section isn't the worst thing, but hopefully you won't have to go through that:)
