Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7 Months

Beckett is a wiggle worm. My goodness he rolls every which way as soon as we put him down. He pushes himself up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, very close to crawling. He is the happiest in the morning. He put anything and everything in his mouth; he prefers diapers clean or dirty. He loves most food; however, he only likes to eat solids at night. When he wakes up in the middle of the night he has the most horrible cry, he sounds like a demon child.

Sophie just loves to sit up leaning against something. She doesn't show too much interest in rolling over or crawling. She still doesn't like food, we try but she just spits it out and makes faces. She does love to play with her pacifier and Beckett's pacifier. She loves to talk; she sticks out her tongue while she tries to talk.

Together Beckett likes to try and sit on Sophie or touch and pester her. Sophie has a certain cry that lets me know that he is bugging her. We will put them in front of each other and they will go for each other’s pacifiers. If one sees I am holding the other they will start crying because they want to be held. They sleep from 9:30 to about 6, eat and then sleep till about 8:30.

1 comment:

  1. I've decided that you must be super mom. Kyra is teething and is enough for me right now. I feel pathetic saying that and knowing that you have 3 kids, 2 of which would be teething around the same time. So yes, you are super mom. Pat yourself on the back!!I can't believe your twins are getting so old! Crazy how time flies by.
