Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So rewind a few months ago Brad and I started to discuss when would be a good time to start trying for baby number 2. After much thought and pray we figured we would try for a few months to see if we could get the baby on my insurance, (it's really good and it goes until August even if I quit). Come December I woke up one morning and decided to take a test, low and behold it was positive! I was so excited, I went and crawled back in bed with Brad and told him. He was slightly shocked to say the least. Well I was feeling great no sickness everything was wonderful. I did have my doubts about not being ready to be a mom of two but I dealt with it. Come Christmas I was starting to feel crummy, nauseous all day. Few days later I could make it a day with out throwing up at least 3 times. Some days I couldn't even keep water down. I thought I was sick with Ryker but that is nothing compared to how I felt now.
Well I decided to try a new doctor. I set up an appointment with Dr. Lind. On Monday we went for our appointment, 9 weeks along. I wasn't even going to have Brad come because it wasn't that big a deal but we were going to see what the baby looked like. Dr. Lind asked me questions about my health and did the whole "fun" check up. It was time to see what this baby looked like.
Before he started Brad said "just don't tell us there are two in there". He put the goop on my tummy and asked me what I saw on the screen. I said I saw a bunch of gray. He said you are going to have twins. I laughed and said yeah right. Well I guess he wasn't joking cause right there on the screen were two little babies. I don't have a history of twins and never in a million years would I have thought we were going to have twins. So come August 20th we will have two new additions to our family. Not going to lie we are a little shell shocked but excited!


  1. Congratulations! We are so excited for you! Might as well get two for the price of one while you have excellent insurance! I hope you start feeling better soon.

  2. Congrats! I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait to hear more about them! :)

  3. That is so exciting. Congrats and sorry you don't feel well. Hopefully that goes away soon.

  4. Congratulations!!!! What a great surprise!

  5. Ahhhh! So EXCITING!!! That is so cool. Do you go to Dr. Lind at Legacy OBGYN? That's where my doctor is too. Anyway congrats and I hope you start feeling better.

  6. Whoa!!! Thats crazy! CONGRATS!!! I hope you get feeling better soon. I'm sad we didn't hang out before I left, but seeing that you were most likely puking I'll get over it. Hopefully when I visit we can get together again Good luck with the little ones! Congrats again!

  7. no way!! that's awesome! Congratulations!!!

  8. Oh my gosh!!! Amber that's crazy! What an incredible surprise:) I'm so excited for you guys. PLLEAASEE let me know if I can help you with anything.

  9. Congratulations! We are so happy for you, Brad, and Ryker. You are going to be one busy momma! I hope you are feeling better. Morning(if you want to call it that) sickness is not fun!

  10. Yay for twins! I keep meaning to comment on your blog or post on your facebook because I LOVE twins! I have a brother and sister who are twins and I was a nanny for twin boys for a few years. Twins are SO much fun! Sorry about the sickness. Hope it gets better soon! :)
