Monday, July 18, 2011

1 Week

It is hard to believe that our babies are 1 week old. It has been a crazy week to say the least. Tuesday morning I finally got to hold Beckett, it was so nice to hold him. On Wednesday they gave me permission to go and see Sophie at Utah Valley. It was so great to finally get to see her. It was hard to see her with so many cords and things hooked to her. She was put on a ventilator so any time she cried she couldn't make noise, you could only tell by her face and heart rate that she was crying. It broke my heart to see her cry. Brad also took me down to see her on Thursday too. Beckett was off of his IV and up to full feedings by Thursday so Friday I got to try non nutritive feedings. I left the hospital Friday afternoon, it was really hard to leave my baby. On Saturday I got to try a nutritive feeding with Beckett and he did great. Sophie however was having a hard time digesting my milk (it is really fattening). The nurses in both hospitals are very impressed with my milk supply and call me the "Dairy Queen".
Since I have been home from the hospital I go to try to feed Beckett twice a day. After the second feeding Brad and I make a trip down to see Sophie. I am so happy they are both making progress.
Sunday Sophie was taken off the ventilator and put on a high flow nasal prong. She was having some problems at first but they have found the right amount of flow and she is stable.
Today they are 1 week old! Beckett ate from me for his feeding! (Normally he falls asleep as soon as he is in my arms) I was so happy! To make the day even better Brad and I were able to hold Sophie for the first time tonight. It was amazing, awesome, wonderful and prefect! While we held her her heart rate went down and her breathing leveled out.
I am so thankful that they are improving and are stable! We have had so much support from our friends and family and we are so grateful for all the prayers and thoughts sent our way! Thank you!

Brad and Sophie

Me and Sophie

Sophie showing us her beautiful eyes
Our Princess
Handsome Beckett

First diaper change done by me

How Ryker spends his time when we take him to see Beckett

Us with Sophie on Sunday


  1. Hey Amber,

    Just want you to know that I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I hope everything is going well. Congrats on the babies! I am glad they are making progress. Sophie really does have beautiful eyes! They are both so cute and unique! I need to plan a time to stop by when I am down there to help you out. Talk to you later, love ya

  2. Oh I just love all those pictures! They are beautiful babies! I'm so glad yesterday was a good day!

  3. Oh, I am so glad everything is going well. We are definitely thinking or you! Those ventilators and monitors are scary, but they still look adorable. We love you guys!

  4. Glad they are doing so well. I love that you're wearing your Freedom shirt.
