Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ready or Not pt 2

So after my melt down the anesthesiologist came in and explained how they would be giving me a spinal block and asked if I had any questions. I was still in to much shock to realize what was going on. After he left Brad gave me a blessing and told me that everything would be OK. The nurse brought in paper work for me to fill out then told me we were ready to head down to the OR. I had to get a shot in my butt to help make the babies lungs develop (that hurt like crazy). Apparently I don't have a high tolerance for pain :( They got me me ready for the spinal block, Brad had to stay back and get his cute scrubs outfit on. (I am sad I didn't get a picture of him in it (still in shock)) The nurse probably thought I was crazy cause I started counting while he stuck me in the back. I needed to get my mind off of the pain. After I was supposed to be numb for the spinal block he started the block but I wasn't all the way numb and got a nice zing down my back. (I am sick of being poked and prodded and hit with pain)

They laid me down and started to get my ready. Brad came in and sat with me. I am pretty sure everyone in the hospital was in the room while I laid there exposed to the world. Guess you can't be shy when you have a baby. Dr. Lind got right to work. I am not sure how long it took, it seemed like awhile. Around 5 pm Beckett greeted the world butt first, he had a deep cry. Sophie wanted to be like brother and also greeted the world butt first. It took her a little longer to cry. They got Beckett cleaned up a little and brought him over so I could look at him. I have never wanted to hold a baby so much in my life. He had the cutest cheeks ever! He weighed 5lbs 6 oz and was 17 in long. I only got to see Sophie for a few seconds. She weighed 5lbs 3 oz and is 18 in long. Brad left with the babies while I got sewed up. When they moved me it was weird to see my legs being moved and not being able to feel it at all.

I had to go back to my room to be watched before I could see the babies. My parents came and kept me company while I waited the hour and a half before they took me down stairs. Once down stairs I still had to wait before they could roll me into the nursery. Once I finally got in there I found out I couldn't hold them. They were both on machines that were helping them breath. I also was told that Sophie wasn't doing to hot and would be taken down to Utah Valley Hospital. (Beckett and I would be staying in American Fork) Wow was that really hard to handle and again I had another break down. I had one short sweet hour with my princess, all I could do was touch her toes. Brad gave Sophie a blessing with the help of the pediatrician. It helped calm me down and I know it helped her. They took her shortly after that. It was hard to watch her go and to know I wouldn't see her for 4 days. I also felt bad that she was going to be alone. I had Brad follow her down and stayed with Beckett for a few more minutes.

I went back to my room with my mom. She stayed till my sister came and took her to go get some things from our house. (We had nothing) My friend Amy came over and stayed with me while they went back to my house. Ryker stayed with Amy and I, he sat on the bed with me. When they checked my blood he watched the nurse very closely. He also had to have the finger monitor put on his figure too, it was cute :)

Brad came back and spent the night. As of right now Beckett is breathing on his own. The next big hurtle for him will be eating. They took Sophie off the ventilators for a few hours but it was to stressful for her so she is back on them for the next 12 to 24 hours. We are praying for both of them. I got to hold Beckett for the first time this morning it was wonderful! He has a lot of hair in the back and it has a little curl.

I love my babies and I hope that we can all be together soon. They probably won't be able to come home for another 2 to 3 weeks :( Keep them in your prayers! Pictures to come as soon as I get my camera back.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry they had to take Sophie! That would be so difficult. I am glad they are doing better now though. We will keep your family in our prayers.
