Wednesday, November 16, 2011

4 Months

My babies are growing up to fast! Some days it seems like we have had them for ever. Other days I can't believe how much they have grown. They change daily!

Beckett- has a cute smile with one dimple. He is not as willing to share his smiles but when he does it melts your heart. He is easier to get to sleep but tends to wake up more. He sleeps from 10 pm to 7 am. He loves when daddy tickles him under his chin and has a funny little laugh. He has more of a temper and turns red when he is mad. He loves to cuddle his blankets and has to hold it and snuggle his nose into it. He is very active and always kicking his legs.

Length- 25.5 in (68%)
Weight- 13 lbs (10%)
Head- 41.25 cm (24%)

Sophie- Has a huge smile and will share it with almost anyone that will talk to her. She loves to talk, Brad was trying to get her to take a nap and she just sat there and talked and talked. She will also laugh when tickled, her laugh sometimes sounds like she is going to cry. She loves her mobile and will talk to it on a regular basis. She is harder to get to sleep but will sleep better once she is asleep. She sleeps from 10 pm to 7 am. She has the tightest grip which makes cleaning inside her hands really hard. She is still very much a daddy's girl. She doesn't doesn't liked to be undressed.

Length- 23.75 in (25%)
Weight- 12lbs 9 oz (20%)
Head- 41.5 cm (59%)
Beckett Sophie Bentley
Sophie cuddling Grandpa
Beckett and Sophie
Beckett, Sophie
Akoy, Lily, Beckett, Sophie, Ryker
Lily, Beckett, Sophie

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