Thursday, December 15, 2011

Best Friend

So I thought I would update on one of my best friends. He is pretty stinkin cute! Ryker is such a fun kid. I love being with him. He is my shadow; whatever I am doing he is right there doing it with me. He loves to help me cook; he has to have the apron on, standing on the chair or sitting on the counter. If I am sweeping the floor he is right behind me with the mop helping. When I shower he has to get in and is right under the water with me. When I am getting ready and putting on makeup, he wants some too, much to Brad's displeasure. (Don't worry I don't really put any on him)
When he is sad he says "a hug". One of his first full sentences was to Brad saying "I shot mom in the bum". He had his nerf gun out and shot me. He says quite a few things now. A lot of things I don't understand. Brad has to have me translate a lot of things.
He is a little OCD about something (thanks Jess), the doors have to be closed, certain lights have to be on, his wash cloth has to be in the right spot, and food has to be in the right place and so on. He is also in the stage where he has to pick what he is wearing, Pj’s and clothes alike. I bought him a shirt for family pictures and he refuses to wear it. His favorite shirt is his BYU jersey and if it is clean he has to wear it. He also likes this blue button down shirt.
He is my little man and I love him! He is at such a fun stage in life. Well I took him for a checkup a month ago and here are his stats.
Length: 37 in (90%)
Weight:32 lbs. (96%) (84%)
Head: 51.5 cm

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