Friday, January 6, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We went to Temple Square with my family. It snowed a little (some of the only snow we have seen this year). It was fun going to dinner and walking around to see the lights. On the 23rd my family had a Christmas party it was fun to get together with the family. Cindy did a back to Bethlehem theme, she had fun crafts for the kids and we had a cousin gift exchange and Santa came. Ryker wanted to get on Santa's lap.

I had a busy month of December, I made 84 Reinbeers (for my family and my mom's friends), 6 sock monkeys, a Christmas head band and tutu for Sophie, 20 neighbors gifts and lots of treats.

For Christmas we opened presents at our house. We had to wake Ryker up; he didn't want to come downstairs because he wanted to get dressed. So he went sulking into his room, it was pretty funny. Brad got some work clothes, a CD, a DVD, and some shoes. I got a Kindle Fire, some clothes, a sweet pot, and some other cooking things. Ryker got some clothes, toys, a bicycle, and a computer. Beckett and Sophie both got toys and some clothes. We had a wonderful Christmas. After we opened presents my family came over for breakfast. I loved having them over. We went to Brad's parents after my family left. Todd called and we got to Skype him, it was neat to see and talk to him.

The week after Christmas Brad had some time off so he spent the week at home. It was fun having him home and we just relaxed. The kids loved having him home and playing with him.

For New Year's Eve we went to my parents’ house. We ate yummy fondue and other treats. Around 10:30 I realized how tired I was, so we did fireworks and went home. Sadly we were in bed at midnight... We must be getting old :) Well we had a great Christmas. Here are some pictures, sorry there are no captions my blog has been loading pictures on funny so I can't see them.

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