Saturday, June 16, 2012

11 Month Beasties!!

So I haven't blogged for awhile, 1. I am lazy 2. I don't think people really read these 3. Sick kids... enough said. So here is what has been happening in our house.

 Sophie now has 6 teeth! Four on top and two on bottom. She doesn't like to cuddle but loves to be held. She is a princess, if Beckett comes near her she can cry on touch. She is my skinny peanut she weighs 17 lbs. 12 month clothes are big on her. She loves to clap and wave. She has a beauty pageant wave. She is full on crawling now, she will either scoot on one knee or stink bug crawl (after all a lady can't have rough knees). She will pull herself to standing positions in a few places, like her crib. She is still a picky eater but will eat most things besides bananas. She loves mashed potatoes. She hates the stairs, she fell down 3 and now refuses to have anything to do with them. Speaking of her falling down the stairs, she refused to put weight on her left leg or crawl which scared me so I took her to the doctor. He didn't think it was anything but had her get x-rays just to make sure. Everything ended up being fine and it was just inflammation from her ear infection. As far as ear infections go Sophie is on her 4th so she has to get tubes put in. Sophie loves Ryker and he loves to make her laugh. She also loves to tease Beckett. She takes his pacifier and wave them in front of his face. She is a fun little girl and is great when she is happy.

 Beckett is my chunky monkey! It is amazing how he and Sophie have changed, Sophie used to be my easy going one and Beckett was more work. However, Beckett is now very mellow and happy. Beckett loves the bath. He stands outside the tub every time I shower and tries to get in/ yell at me. He loves to drop toys into the shower so I have to pick them up. One night while I was helping get Ryker ready for the bath Beckett climbed/ fell into the water fully clothed. He loves to crawl and his knees prove it (rough patches on his knees). I love when I lay him down to go to bed and his fat little belly pokes out. He loves to wrestle with Brad. He loves to play with Ryker and and will follow him everywhere. Beckett is my cuddle bug. He has two teeth with a handsome smile. He also has 2 ear infections right now and will have to get tubes put in. He has a high pain tolerance apparently one ear looks like it will rupture but he hasn't complained once. Beckett likes to wave. He opens and closes his little fat fingers. He loves to eat and will eat most anything.


  1. I totally stalk you!! Maybe I should comment more so you know it. Those kiddos are so cute. It's crazy how big they are now. Does Beckett have red hair? Poor little babies with their ear infections.... poor you. I still think you're super mom. I hope getting tubes helps them... and you. I like the look on the twins' faces in the bath tub, looks like Sophie is having a ball. I can't wait to come play with you guys.

  2. I read it!! Sad they both got tubes! I hope it makes everything better! I miss you!
