Monday, March 11, 2013

1 and a 1/2

My bugs are 18 months! I love them and I love this stag! They are playful and interactive. They are now starting to play together; they will run from one room to another laughing the whole time. Beckett is a tease; he knows what no means but chooses to ignore you when you say it. He is very smart and can speak very well. He knows a lot of words and repeat most of what you tell him. He loves shoes and if he sees his shoes he has to have them on. For a while he had to have one type of shoe on one foot and a different shoe on the other. He has the most determined walk a little guy can have. He has also started to take really small steps when he runs. He likes to play the scare game, where I run to another room and hide and pop out and scare him when he finds me. Sophie is still my drama queen. She likes to play by herself but will also follow her brothers around. She has been carrying he baby doll around too. I love watching her play with the baby. She sits pretty well while I do her hair I just have to go really fast. She got her first real hair cut to even things out. She likes to talk but doesn't say as much as Beckett. If you ask her how old she is she says 3 and holds up 4 fingers. She is getting to be picky with her clothes. I tried to put on a pair of shoes but she didn't want to wear them she wanted another pair, so she cried and refused to walk until I changed them. Sometimes when she laughs it sounds like she is crying. Sophie also likes to color. Here are their stats at 18 months: Beckett Weight: 24 lbs (23%) Length: 32 in (38%) Head: 49 cm (80%) Sophie Weight: 22.44 lbs (21%) Length: 32 in (21%) Head: 48 cm (85%)

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