Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oh What Fun

September was pretty uneventful. We went to the State Fair as usual, we were going to go with my family but the night they went ended up raining so we waited. We went with the Malouf's we ate some tasty food and walked around. We ran into Erika and Garrett which was fun. I finally got to eat my mini donuts (made the whole trip worth it!)

Getting ready to farm
 Lindsay and Lily
 Beckett riding the sheep

We were able to go up to the Brigham City Temple open house. It was a long night with some unhappy kids. Brad didn't get to go in because the twins were done. But I was able to go with Ryker which was neat. I am happy my family is forever.

We went for a drive up the canyon one Sunday to look at the leaves. It was so pretty and fun. It took forever to get into the canyon because a lot of people had the same idea. Once we got into American Fork Canyon we drove around for a while to try and find a spot for a picnic. We ended up going back down towards the lake and found a nice picnic table. The colors were so pretty. I love fall.

I semi surprised Brad with another trip to Island Park. I was going to plan everything but ran out of people to ask if they wanted to go. So I told him about it and told him to invite who he wanted. I think he had a good time. He went with his Dad, Michael, Bart, Bart's friend, Tyler, Tyler's Brother and Tyler's Brother's friend. They caught a lot of fish and did "manly" things. One night Ryker kept crying so I went in his room and he told me to bite his toes. I told him I wouldn't bite his toes and to go to bed. Well he started crying again a few minutes later so I went back in. Again he told me to bite his toes, so I looked at his toes and he had a hang mail. I guess by "bite" meant clip :) It was hard being a single mom, mostly because I couldn't sleep at night because every noise would wake me up. Needless to say I am happy I am not a single mom.

I wanted to do some Halloween fall things so we found some discount tickets to Corn Belly's Corn Maze. We packed the kids up the first Friday night of the month and headed out. It was a little cold but nothing a jacket couldn't fix. There were a bunch of activities for kids to do. Brad took Ryker down the big slide then we went into the maze. We let Ryker pick which ways to go. He loved it! (One of his favorite things to do when we are driving is tell me which way to go.) The first few turns we just went in circles but then he got the hang of it. After the maze we went on a hayride. Sophie and Beckett thought it was fun when we went over the bumps. Brad and Ryker raced through the blow up obstacle courses. I got to have my favorite mini donuts, the twins loved those too. It was a really fun family night. 

The next weekend Brad and I went on a date. We met Mike and Lindsay at Spark, it is this restaurant in Provo that serve non-alcoholic drinks. They were very tasty. The dinner was ok, not my favorite but the drinks were tasty. After dinner Mike and Lindsay had to go pick up Lily, Brad and I met Jess and Karl at a Haunted House in Provo. Jessica sent me a discount coupon so we go in for 7 dollars! It is amazing for a haunted house. It wasn't that great of a Haunted House but it was still fun. I love going on dates with my boyfriend :)

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