Thursday, June 17, 2010

Todd's Graduation/ My Birthday

Brad's younger brother graduated from high school! We are so happy for him and wanted to support him so we went to his graduation! However, after calling about 100 names and still having over 600 more to go, we got bored. So we used our camera to entertain us! Here are some samples of the pictures we took.

Pretty Smile
Happy Couple
Probably one of the UGLIEST pictures I have ever taken
Handsome boy
Good job Todd!

Now for my Birthday! Anyone who knows me, knows my birthday is a big deal to me. After much fasting and praying I decided to go to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and a Drive in movie with friends Saturday night, yum! Dinner with my parents Sunday, and a BBQ up the canyon on Monday with my family and Brad's family. It was 3 days of fun! I had a such a good birthday!
Grandpa drying off Ryker's sock after getting it wet when they bent over to touch the water.
Grandpa Stapley helping Ryker slide into first base.
Playing baseball
Cutest boy ever!

1 comment:

  1. I can NOT believe how big he is...and that I totally forgot your birthday this year :( I never text you or anything. I am a sucky friend. I am sure i would have remember had you invited me to your party. Happy bday-even still.

    DEBS forever!
